"The Society that separates its Scholars from its Warriors, will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools." Thucydides

PURPOSE: Become the Scholar Warrior for your Goals

Improve Every Single Day!

Improve Yourself 1% a Day = 3600%+ in a Year

Thought-Technique-Strategy of the Week:


Create Your Powerful Identity

Let's say you wish to excel in the art of painting. Or open your own woodworking business. Or become a Filmmaker which I did many years ago. The key is to utilize a Powerful Identity in reframing your Focus. Let's stick with painter for the moment.

Use the words: "I am a painter." The powerful use of the "I am..." phrase welds this new outlook to you mentally, intellectually but, more importantly, emotionally. Why emotionally? When you talk about painting (or any very exciting goal), then you can feel the electrical excitement within your body and Being.

"Being" is the act of existing within this newly embraced identity. Then you grow and become.


7 Actions To Change Your Life

Michael's Kenpo Karate Weapons Form - Knife & Pistol

You can see my Pistol & Knife form at approximately 10:31 here in the video from 2010. This is at Bryan Hawkins Kenpo Karate where I have studied Kenpo Karate for approximately over 35 years. The form is one that I created to advance in the system, utilizing Kenpo Karate principles. I use the form with the primary weapon as the firearm, duly guarded and using the knife for close-in drills. This is the training the Warrior phase!

The School of Athens

Brainstorming Your How: Nikehedonia

September 08, 20246 min read

Nikehedonia is a Greek word with a unique meaning:  The pleasure derived from anticipating success.  

Read that again. 

The pleasure derived from anticipating success. 

An extremely positive emotional state which courses throughout our being and puts us into a state of excitement, accomplishment and success.

The School of Athens

Etymology - the study of words and how they have changed through history - remains a critical component of our critical thinking.  You build your critical thinking upon words, their meaning, their relationships and then the structure whether the form is a sentence, a paragraph, a book or a lifetime study. 

You might be thinking: “Hey I know what words mean.  I use them all the time!”  We do have conversational skills to create understanding.  But the exactitude of words is the programming in our brain which really trains our brain, focuses our mind and achieves our goals. 

Still don’t believe me?

Awful.  Originally the word meant ‘inspiring or filled with awe.’  Now the word means ‘horrible, terrible.’

Awe.  Originally the word meant ‘full of fear or terror.’  Now the word means ‘impressive or inspiring’ as in the phrase ‘awe inspiring’.  

Want more, check out the link below to assuage your curiosity and increase your knowledge.  My point is to not assume that you completely know the meaning of a word.  Exactitude in thinking creates exactitude in brainstorming. Precision in your words means precision in your goals and increases your chances of attaining your goals.  

“I want to make X amount of money on this Y date through this Z method.”


So now that we’ve cleared up the importance of meaning and words, we’re going back to Nikehedonia.

Let’s break down the word into its components. 

Nike + Hedonia.

“Hedonia” comes from the word hedonikos which means pleasure.  A hedonist is a person chases pleasure. 

“Nike” relates to Nike, The Greek God of Victory.  

To the Ancient Greeks with their vast and intricate mythology, the Gods spoke to them through oracles, predictions and stories.  

Nikehedonia is an emotional state where we have the pleasure of accomplishment.  For instance, when you finish a book, an art project, complete a great sports match and more, you should grow your awareness of this emotional state.  Don’t take it for granted.  You must recognize it by becoming more attuned to your physical and mental self.  

A great quote from Albert Einstein who literally changed the world of physics is “Body and soul are not two different things but only two different ways of perceiving the same thing. Similarly, physics and psychology are only different attempts to link our experience together by way of systematic thought.”


So, you might take Einstein’s advice and seek a greater awareness of your physicality and excited mental state.   We are beings very much focused on accomplishment.  Human beings embrace a Purpose Driven Life, a Mission.   Many years ago, I read an article about a psychology experiment where ten people  were dropped off at a campsite area to wait to get picked up again to ‘go to the experiment.’  Their drop-off was the experiment.  The drop-off camping site had trash, was in disarray with rocks askew and more.  After fifteen minutes, the  people started organizing the site, picking up the trash, cleaning it up, pushing the rocks into a ring for a proper fire ring and more. 

Humans seeks Purpose. 

Nikehedonia is an important aspect of this purpose with a galvanized emotional state which comes from the enthusiasm of the heart, the gut instinct of the pursuit, the mind of calculation to press forward on the goal.  

The Thrill of Victory.

A phrase long associated with sportscasters is true.  Winning and creating accomplishments is a positive emotional burst.   We have a physical reaction to the pleasure of victory through the bloodstream and testosterone for both men and women.  One article refers to the “Testosterone and Chess Competition” experiment.  In another article, the phenomenon is not limited to men but also occurs in women.  The other chemicals involved are dopamine and norepinephrine. 

According to the article I read:

The brain responds differently to reward and punishment. Specific brain regions and chemicals are responsible for our experience of positive emotions, which accompany rewarding stimuli such as winning. An important brain chemical that plays a role in our experience of positive emotions is dopamine. This chemical mediates various emotions, such as pleasure, happiness, and excitement, due in part to its actions in a brain area called the nucleus accumbens. This brain region is activated in several circumstances involving positive emotions and pleasure, and can influence the thrill that one feels after a victory. Interestingly, this same brain region has been shown to play a role in the feelings of pleasure and excitement that one experiences when using drugs of abuse; and this same brain region might be under-performing in individuals with mood disorders such as depression.

How can you  reinforce this growing awareness of your emotional state of Nikehedonia?  Well, I had an exchange with my friend Audrey whose heritage is Greek. Now, you have to give some recognition to the Ancient Greeks who gave us Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, concepts of democracy and more. 

Audrey is a fine dedicated actress and a skill martial artist.  I told her that, when I undertake task and accomplish them that here’s what I do:

Make sure to stop and - literally - give yourself a pat on the back and talk to yourself.  “Audrey, I’m proud of you for this organization, hustle, networking and creative delivery.”  

Whatever the words but I advise you to undertake the physical action of the pat on the back and say the words out loud more than several times with growing confident voices.  Then check your emotional state - it should be higher.  Back is a little straighter.  One’s head can brim with growing great attitude:  “You (obstacles) are going down!!!"

The key is Awareness of this emotional state, small or big, and reinforcing the state with physical gestures and words said out loud. 

Nowadays, you can actually say them with earbuds in even if you’re not on the phone.  In the store, the parking lot, wherever because people will think you’re on your phone.  This technique is a huge advantage too for putting the Experiencer in your head more than the Inner Roommate (read more about them at this link). 

Use the word Nikehedonia with your family and friends.  You’ll sound cool with new words and may even help them recognize and embrace your new found technique.

Well, I just finished this article, posted it and am feeling some Nikehedonia myself.  

Pat on the back.  

Words of Recognition.

The Thrill of Victory.


Twenty Words that Once Meant Something Very Different

self improvement wordspersonal development
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
The School of Athens

Brainstorming Your How: Nikehedonia

September 08, 20246 min read

Nikehedonia is a Greek word with a unique meaning:  The pleasure derived from anticipating success.  

Read that again. 

The pleasure derived from anticipating success. 

An extremely positive emotional state which courses throughout our being and puts us into a state of excitement, accomplishment and success.

The School of Athens

Etymology - the study of words and how they have changed through history - remains a critical component of our critical thinking.  You build your critical thinking upon words, their meaning, their relationships and then the structure whether the form is a sentence, a paragraph, a book or a lifetime study. 

You might be thinking: “Hey I know what words mean.  I use them all the time!”  We do have conversational skills to create understanding.  But the exactitude of words is the programming in our brain which really trains our brain, focuses our mind and achieves our goals. 

Still don’t believe me?

Awful.  Originally the word meant ‘inspiring or filled with awe.’  Now the word means ‘horrible, terrible.’

Awe.  Originally the word meant ‘full of fear or terror.’  Now the word means ‘impressive or inspiring’ as in the phrase ‘awe inspiring’.  

Want more, check out the link below to assuage your curiosity and increase your knowledge.  My point is to not assume that you completely know the meaning of a word.  Exactitude in thinking creates exactitude in brainstorming. Precision in your words means precision in your goals and increases your chances of attaining your goals.  

“I want to make X amount of money on this Y date through this Z method.”


So now that we’ve cleared up the importance of meaning and words, we’re going back to Nikehedonia.

Let’s break down the word into its components. 

Nike + Hedonia.

“Hedonia” comes from the word hedonikos which means pleasure.  A hedonist is a person chases pleasure. 

“Nike” relates to Nike, The Greek God of Victory.  

To the Ancient Greeks with their vast and intricate mythology, the Gods spoke to them through oracles, predictions and stories.  

Nikehedonia is an emotional state where we have the pleasure of accomplishment.  For instance, when you finish a book, an art project, complete a great sports match and more, you should grow your awareness of this emotional state.  Don’t take it for granted.  You must recognize it by becoming more attuned to your physical and mental self.  

A great quote from Albert Einstein who literally changed the world of physics is “Body and soul are not two different things but only two different ways of perceiving the same thing. Similarly, physics and psychology are only different attempts to link our experience together by way of systematic thought.”


So, you might take Einstein’s advice and seek a greater awareness of your physicality and excited mental state.   We are beings very much focused on accomplishment.  Human beings embrace a Purpose Driven Life, a Mission.   Many years ago, I read an article about a psychology experiment where ten people  were dropped off at a campsite area to wait to get picked up again to ‘go to the experiment.’  Their drop-off was the experiment.  The drop-off camping site had trash, was in disarray with rocks askew and more.  After fifteen minutes, the  people started organizing the site, picking up the trash, cleaning it up, pushing the rocks into a ring for a proper fire ring and more. 

Humans seeks Purpose. 

Nikehedonia is an important aspect of this purpose with a galvanized emotional state which comes from the enthusiasm of the heart, the gut instinct of the pursuit, the mind of calculation to press forward on the goal.  

The Thrill of Victory.

A phrase long associated with sportscasters is true.  Winning and creating accomplishments is a positive emotional burst.   We have a physical reaction to the pleasure of victory through the bloodstream and testosterone for both men and women.  One article refers to the “Testosterone and Chess Competition” experiment.  In another article, the phenomenon is not limited to men but also occurs in women.  The other chemicals involved are dopamine and norepinephrine. 

According to the article I read:

The brain responds differently to reward and punishment. Specific brain regions and chemicals are responsible for our experience of positive emotions, which accompany rewarding stimuli such as winning. An important brain chemical that plays a role in our experience of positive emotions is dopamine. This chemical mediates various emotions, such as pleasure, happiness, and excitement, due in part to its actions in a brain area called the nucleus accumbens. This brain region is activated in several circumstances involving positive emotions and pleasure, and can influence the thrill that one feels after a victory. Interestingly, this same brain region has been shown to play a role in the feelings of pleasure and excitement that one experiences when using drugs of abuse; and this same brain region might be under-performing in individuals with mood disorders such as depression.

How can you  reinforce this growing awareness of your emotional state of Nikehedonia?  Well, I had an exchange with my friend Audrey whose heritage is Greek. Now, you have to give some recognition to the Ancient Greeks who gave us Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, concepts of democracy and more. 

Audrey is a fine dedicated actress and a skill martial artist.  I told her that, when I undertake task and accomplish them that here’s what I do:

Make sure to stop and - literally - give yourself a pat on the back and talk to yourself.  “Audrey, I’m proud of you for this organization, hustle, networking and creative delivery.”  

Whatever the words but I advise you to undertake the physical action of the pat on the back and say the words out loud more than several times with growing confident voices.  Then check your emotional state - it should be higher.  Back is a little straighter.  One’s head can brim with growing great attitude:  “You (obstacles) are going down!!!"

The key is Awareness of this emotional state, small or big, and reinforcing the state with physical gestures and words said out loud. 

Nowadays, you can actually say them with earbuds in even if you’re not on the phone.  In the store, the parking lot, wherever because people will think you’re on your phone.  This technique is a huge advantage too for putting the Experiencer in your head more than the Inner Roommate (read more about them at this link). 

Use the word Nikehedonia with your family and friends.  You’ll sound cool with new words and may even help them recognize and embrace your new found technique.

Well, I just finished this article, posted it and am feeling some Nikehedonia myself.  

Pat on the back.  

Words of Recognition.

The Thrill of Victory.


Twenty Words that Once Meant Something Very Different

self improvement wordspersonal development
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
The School of Athens

Brainstorming Your How: Nikehedonia

September 08, 20246 min read

Nikehedonia is a Greek word with a unique meaning:  The pleasure derived from anticipating success.  

Read that again. 

The pleasure derived from anticipating success. 

An extremely positive emotional state which courses throughout our being and puts us into a state of excitement, accomplishment and success.

The School of Athens

Etymology - the study of words and how they have changed through history - remains a critical component of our critical thinking.  You build your critical thinking upon words, their meaning, their relationships and then the structure whether the form is a sentence, a paragraph, a book or a lifetime study. 

You might be thinking: “Hey I know what words mean.  I use them all the time!”  We do have conversational skills to create understanding.  But the exactitude of words is the programming in our brain which really trains our brain, focuses our mind and achieves our goals. 

Still don’t believe me?

Awful.  Originally the word meant ‘inspiring or filled with awe.’  Now the word means ‘horrible, terrible.’

Awe.  Originally the word meant ‘full of fear or terror.’  Now the word means ‘impressive or inspiring’ as in the phrase ‘awe inspiring’.  

Want more, check out the link below to assuage your curiosity and increase your knowledge.  My point is to not assume that you completely know the meaning of a word.  Exactitude in thinking creates exactitude in brainstorming. Precision in your words means precision in your goals and increases your chances of attaining your goals.  

“I want to make X amount of money on this Y date through this Z method.”


So now that we’ve cleared up the importance of meaning and words, we’re going back to Nikehedonia.

Let’s break down the word into its components. 

Nike + Hedonia.

“Hedonia” comes from the word hedonikos which means pleasure.  A hedonist is a person chases pleasure. 

“Nike” relates to Nike, The Greek God of Victory.  

To the Ancient Greeks with their vast and intricate mythology, the Gods spoke to them through oracles, predictions and stories.  

Nikehedonia is an emotional state where we have the pleasure of accomplishment.  For instance, when you finish a book, an art project, complete a great sports match and more, you should grow your awareness of this emotional state.  Don’t take it for granted.  You must recognize it by becoming more attuned to your physical and mental self.  

A great quote from Albert Einstein who literally changed the world of physics is “Body and soul are not two different things but only two different ways of perceiving the same thing. Similarly, physics and psychology are only different attempts to link our experience together by way of systematic thought.”


So, you might take Einstein’s advice and seek a greater awareness of your physicality and excited mental state.   We are beings very much focused on accomplishment.  Human beings embrace a Purpose Driven Life, a Mission.   Many years ago, I read an article about a psychology experiment where ten people  were dropped off at a campsite area to wait to get picked up again to ‘go to the experiment.’  Their drop-off was the experiment.  The drop-off camping site had trash, was in disarray with rocks askew and more.  After fifteen minutes, the  people started organizing the site, picking up the trash, cleaning it up, pushing the rocks into a ring for a proper fire ring and more. 

Humans seeks Purpose. 

Nikehedonia is an important aspect of this purpose with a galvanized emotional state which comes from the enthusiasm of the heart, the gut instinct of the pursuit, the mind of calculation to press forward on the goal.  

The Thrill of Victory.

A phrase long associated with sportscasters is true.  Winning and creating accomplishments is a positive emotional burst.   We have a physical reaction to the pleasure of victory through the bloodstream and testosterone for both men and women.  One article refers to the “Testosterone and Chess Competition” experiment.  In another article, the phenomenon is not limited to men but also occurs in women.  The other chemicals involved are dopamine and norepinephrine. 

According to the article I read:

The brain responds differently to reward and punishment. Specific brain regions and chemicals are responsible for our experience of positive emotions, which accompany rewarding stimuli such as winning. An important brain chemical that plays a role in our experience of positive emotions is dopamine. This chemical mediates various emotions, such as pleasure, happiness, and excitement, due in part to its actions in a brain area called the nucleus accumbens. This brain region is activated in several circumstances involving positive emotions and pleasure, and can influence the thrill that one feels after a victory. Interestingly, this same brain region has been shown to play a role in the feelings of pleasure and excitement that one experiences when using drugs of abuse; and this same brain region might be under-performing in individuals with mood disorders such as depression.

How can you  reinforce this growing awareness of your emotional state of Nikehedonia?  Well, I had an exchange with my friend Audrey whose heritage is Greek. Now, you have to give some recognition to the Ancient Greeks who gave us Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, concepts of democracy and more. 

Audrey is a fine dedicated actress and a skill martial artist.  I told her that, when I undertake task and accomplish them that here’s what I do:

Make sure to stop and - literally - give yourself a pat on the back and talk to yourself.  “Audrey, I’m proud of you for this organization, hustle, networking and creative delivery.”  

Whatever the words but I advise you to undertake the physical action of the pat on the back and say the words out loud more than several times with growing confident voices.  Then check your emotional state - it should be higher.  Back is a little straighter.  One’s head can brim with growing great attitude:  “You (obstacles) are going down!!!"

The key is Awareness of this emotional state, small or big, and reinforcing the state with physical gestures and words said out loud. 

Nowadays, you can actually say them with earbuds in even if you’re not on the phone.  In the store, the parking lot, wherever because people will think you’re on your phone.  This technique is a huge advantage too for putting the Experiencer in your head more than the Inner Roommate (read more about them at this link). 

Use the word Nikehedonia with your family and friends.  You’ll sound cool with new words and may even help them recognize and embrace your new found technique.

Well, I just finished this article, posted it and am feeling some Nikehedonia myself.  

Pat on the back.  

Words of Recognition.

The Thrill of Victory.


Twenty Words that Once Meant Something Very Different

self improvement wordspersonal development
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
The School of Athens

Brainstorming Your How: Nikehedonia

September 08, 20246 min read

Nikehedonia is a Greek word with a unique meaning:  The pleasure derived from anticipating success.  

Read that again. 

The pleasure derived from anticipating success. 

An extremely positive emotional state which courses throughout our being and puts us into a state of excitement, accomplishment and success.

The School of Athens

Etymology - the study of words and how they have changed through history - remains a critical component of our critical thinking.  You build your critical thinking upon words, their meaning, their relationships and then the structure whether the form is a sentence, a paragraph, a book or a lifetime study. 

You might be thinking: “Hey I know what words mean.  I use them all the time!”  We do have conversational skills to create understanding.  But the exactitude of words is the programming in our brain which really trains our brain, focuses our mind and achieves our goals. 

Still don’t believe me?

Awful.  Originally the word meant ‘inspiring or filled with awe.’  Now the word means ‘horrible, terrible.’

Awe.  Originally the word meant ‘full of fear or terror.’  Now the word means ‘impressive or inspiring’ as in the phrase ‘awe inspiring’.  

Want more, check out the link below to assuage your curiosity and increase your knowledge.  My point is to not assume that you completely know the meaning of a word.  Exactitude in thinking creates exactitude in brainstorming. Precision in your words means precision in your goals and increases your chances of attaining your goals.  

“I want to make X amount of money on this Y date through this Z method.”


So now that we’ve cleared up the importance of meaning and words, we’re going back to Nikehedonia.

Let’s break down the word into its components. 

Nike + Hedonia.

“Hedonia” comes from the word hedonikos which means pleasure.  A hedonist is a person chases pleasure. 

“Nike” relates to Nike, The Greek God of Victory.  

To the Ancient Greeks with their vast and intricate mythology, the Gods spoke to them through oracles, predictions and stories.  

Nikehedonia is an emotional state where we have the pleasure of accomplishment.  For instance, when you finish a book, an art project, complete a great sports match and more, you should grow your awareness of this emotional state.  Don’t take it for granted.  You must recognize it by becoming more attuned to your physical and mental self.  

A great quote from Albert Einstein who literally changed the world of physics is “Body and soul are not two different things but only two different ways of perceiving the same thing. Similarly, physics and psychology are only different attempts to link our experience together by way of systematic thought.”


So, you might take Einstein’s advice and seek a greater awareness of your physicality and excited mental state.   We are beings very much focused on accomplishment.  Human beings embrace a Purpose Driven Life, a Mission.   Many years ago, I read an article about a psychology experiment where ten people  were dropped off at a campsite area to wait to get picked up again to ‘go to the experiment.’  Their drop-off was the experiment.  The drop-off camping site had trash, was in disarray with rocks askew and more.  After fifteen minutes, the  people started organizing the site, picking up the trash, cleaning it up, pushing the rocks into a ring for a proper fire ring and more. 

Humans seeks Purpose. 

Nikehedonia is an important aspect of this purpose with a galvanized emotional state which comes from the enthusiasm of the heart, the gut instinct of the pursuit, the mind of calculation to press forward on the goal.  

The Thrill of Victory.

A phrase long associated with sportscasters is true.  Winning and creating accomplishments is a positive emotional burst.   We have a physical reaction to the pleasure of victory through the bloodstream and testosterone for both men and women.  One article refers to the “Testosterone and Chess Competition” experiment.  In another article, the phenomenon is not limited to men but also occurs in women.  The other chemicals involved are dopamine and norepinephrine. 

According to the article I read:

The brain responds differently to reward and punishment. Specific brain regions and chemicals are responsible for our experience of positive emotions, which accompany rewarding stimuli such as winning. An important brain chemical that plays a role in our experience of positive emotions is dopamine. This chemical mediates various emotions, such as pleasure, happiness, and excitement, due in part to its actions in a brain area called the nucleus accumbens. This brain region is activated in several circumstances involving positive emotions and pleasure, and can influence the thrill that one feels after a victory. Interestingly, this same brain region has been shown to play a role in the feelings of pleasure and excitement that one experiences when using drugs of abuse; and this same brain region might be under-performing in individuals with mood disorders such as depression.

How can you  reinforce this growing awareness of your emotional state of Nikehedonia?  Well, I had an exchange with my friend Audrey whose heritage is Greek. Now, you have to give some recognition to the Ancient Greeks who gave us Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, concepts of democracy and more. 

Audrey is a fine dedicated actress and a skill martial artist.  I told her that, when I undertake task and accomplish them that here’s what I do:

Make sure to stop and - literally - give yourself a pat on the back and talk to yourself.  “Audrey, I’m proud of you for this organization, hustle, networking and creative delivery.”  

Whatever the words but I advise you to undertake the physical action of the pat on the back and say the words out loud more than several times with growing confident voices.  Then check your emotional state - it should be higher.  Back is a little straighter.  One’s head can brim with growing great attitude:  “You (obstacles) are going down!!!"

The key is Awareness of this emotional state, small or big, and reinforcing the state with physical gestures and words said out loud. 

Nowadays, you can actually say them with earbuds in even if you’re not on the phone.  In the store, the parking lot, wherever because people will think you’re on your phone.  This technique is a huge advantage too for putting the Experiencer in your head more than the Inner Roommate (read more about them at this link). 

Use the word Nikehedonia with your family and friends.  You’ll sound cool with new words and may even help them recognize and embrace your new found technique.

Well, I just finished this article, posted it and am feeling some Nikehedonia myself.  

Pat on the back.  

Words of Recognition.

The Thrill of Victory.


Twenty Words that Once Meant Something Very Different

self improvement wordspersonal development
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
The School of Athens

Brainstorming Your How: Nikehedonia

September 08, 20246 min read

Nikehedonia is a Greek word with a unique meaning:  The pleasure derived from anticipating success.  

Read that again. 

The pleasure derived from anticipating success. 

An extremely positive emotional state which courses throughout our being and puts us into a state of excitement, accomplishment and success.

The School of Athens

Etymology - the study of words and how they have changed through history - remains a critical component of our critical thinking.  You build your critical thinking upon words, their meaning, their relationships and then the structure whether the form is a sentence, a paragraph, a book or a lifetime study. 

You might be thinking: “Hey I know what words mean.  I use them all the time!”  We do have conversational skills to create understanding.  But the exactitude of words is the programming in our brain which really trains our brain, focuses our mind and achieves our goals. 

Still don’t believe me?

Awful.  Originally the word meant ‘inspiring or filled with awe.’  Now the word means ‘horrible, terrible.’

Awe.  Originally the word meant ‘full of fear or terror.’  Now the word means ‘impressive or inspiring’ as in the phrase ‘awe inspiring’.  

Want more, check out the link below to assuage your curiosity and increase your knowledge.  My point is to not assume that you completely know the meaning of a word.  Exactitude in thinking creates exactitude in brainstorming. Precision in your words means precision in your goals and increases your chances of attaining your goals.  

“I want to make X amount of money on this Y date through this Z method.”


So now that we’ve cleared up the importance of meaning and words, we’re going back to Nikehedonia.

Let’s break down the word into its components. 

Nike + Hedonia.

“Hedonia” comes from the word hedonikos which means pleasure.  A hedonist is a person chases pleasure. 

“Nike” relates to Nike, The Greek God of Victory.  

To the Ancient Greeks with their vast and intricate mythology, the Gods spoke to them through oracles, predictions and stories.  

Nikehedonia is an emotional state where we have the pleasure of accomplishment.  For instance, when you finish a book, an art project, complete a great sports match and more, you should grow your awareness of this emotional state.  Don’t take it for granted.  You must recognize it by becoming more attuned to your physical and mental self.  

A great quote from Albert Einstein who literally changed the world of physics is “Body and soul are not two different things but only two different ways of perceiving the same thing. Similarly, physics and psychology are only different attempts to link our experience together by way of systematic thought.”


So, you might take Einstein’s advice and seek a greater awareness of your physicality and excited mental state.   We are beings very much focused on accomplishment.  Human beings embrace a Purpose Driven Life, a Mission.   Many years ago, I read an article about a psychology experiment where ten people  were dropped off at a campsite area to wait to get picked up again to ‘go to the experiment.’  Their drop-off was the experiment.  The drop-off camping site had trash, was in disarray with rocks askew and more.  After fifteen minutes, the  people started organizing the site, picking up the trash, cleaning it up, pushing the rocks into a ring for a proper fire ring and more. 

Humans seeks Purpose. 

Nikehedonia is an important aspect of this purpose with a galvanized emotional state which comes from the enthusiasm of the heart, the gut instinct of the pursuit, the mind of calculation to press forward on the goal.  

The Thrill of Victory.

A phrase long associated with sportscasters is true.  Winning and creating accomplishments is a positive emotional burst.   We have a physical reaction to the pleasure of victory through the bloodstream and testosterone for both men and women.  One article refers to the “Testosterone and Chess Competition” experiment.  In another article, the phenomenon is not limited to men but also occurs in women.  The other chemicals involved are dopamine and norepinephrine. 

According to the article I read:

The brain responds differently to reward and punishment. Specific brain regions and chemicals are responsible for our experience of positive emotions, which accompany rewarding stimuli such as winning. An important brain chemical that plays a role in our experience of positive emotions is dopamine. This chemical mediates various emotions, such as pleasure, happiness, and excitement, due in part to its actions in a brain area called the nucleus accumbens. This brain region is activated in several circumstances involving positive emotions and pleasure, and can influence the thrill that one feels after a victory. Interestingly, this same brain region has been shown to play a role in the feelings of pleasure and excitement that one experiences when using drugs of abuse; and this same brain region might be under-performing in individuals with mood disorders such as depression.

How can you  reinforce this growing awareness of your emotional state of Nikehedonia?  Well, I had an exchange with my friend Audrey whose heritage is Greek. Now, you have to give some recognition to the Ancient Greeks who gave us Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, concepts of democracy and more. 

Audrey is a fine dedicated actress and a skill martial artist.  I told her that, when I undertake task and accomplish them that here’s what I do:

Make sure to stop and - literally - give yourself a pat on the back and talk to yourself.  “Audrey, I’m proud of you for this organization, hustle, networking and creative delivery.”  

Whatever the words but I advise you to undertake the physical action of the pat on the back and say the words out loud more than several times with growing confident voices.  Then check your emotional state - it should be higher.  Back is a little straighter.  One’s head can brim with growing great attitude:  “You (obstacles) are going down!!!"

The key is Awareness of this emotional state, small or big, and reinforcing the state with physical gestures and words said out loud. 

Nowadays, you can actually say them with earbuds in even if you’re not on the phone.  In the store, the parking lot, wherever because people will think you’re on your phone.  This technique is a huge advantage too for putting the Experiencer in your head more than the Inner Roommate (read more about them at this link). 

Use the word Nikehedonia with your family and friends.  You’ll sound cool with new words and may even help them recognize and embrace your new found technique.

Well, I just finished this article, posted it and am feeling some Nikehedonia myself.  

Pat on the back.  

Words of Recognition.

The Thrill of Victory.


Twenty Words that Once Meant Something Very Different

self improvement wordspersonal development
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

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The School of Athens

Brainstorming Your How: Nikehedonia

September 08, 20246 min read

Nikehedonia is a Greek word with a unique meaning:  The pleasure derived from anticipating success.  

Read that again. 

The pleasure derived from anticipating success. 

An extremely positive emotional state which courses throughout our being and puts us into a state of excitement, accomplishment and success.

The School of Athens

Etymology - the study of words and how they have changed through history - remains a critical component of our critical thinking.  You build your critical thinking upon words, their meaning, their relationships and then the structure whether the form is a sentence, a paragraph, a book or a lifetime study. 

You might be thinking: “Hey I know what words mean.  I use them all the time!”  We do have conversational skills to create understanding.  But the exactitude of words is the programming in our brain which really trains our brain, focuses our mind and achieves our goals. 

Still don’t believe me?

Awful.  Originally the word meant ‘inspiring or filled with awe.’  Now the word means ‘horrible, terrible.’

Awe.  Originally the word meant ‘full of fear or terror.’  Now the word means ‘impressive or inspiring’ as in the phrase ‘awe inspiring’.  

Want more, check out the link below to assuage your curiosity and increase your knowledge.  My point is to not assume that you completely know the meaning of a word.  Exactitude in thinking creates exactitude in brainstorming. Precision in your words means precision in your goals and increases your chances of attaining your goals.  

“I want to make X amount of money on this Y date through this Z method.”


So now that we’ve cleared up the importance of meaning and words, we’re going back to Nikehedonia.

Let’s break down the word into its components. 

Nike + Hedonia.

“Hedonia” comes from the word hedonikos which means pleasure.  A hedonist is a person chases pleasure. 

“Nike” relates to Nike, The Greek God of Victory.  

To the Ancient Greeks with their vast and intricate mythology, the Gods spoke to them through oracles, predictions and stories.  

Nikehedonia is an emotional state where we have the pleasure of accomplishment.  For instance, when you finish a book, an art project, complete a great sports match and more, you should grow your awareness of this emotional state.  Don’t take it for granted.  You must recognize it by becoming more attuned to your physical and mental self.  

A great quote from Albert Einstein who literally changed the world of physics is “Body and soul are not two different things but only two different ways of perceiving the same thing. Similarly, physics and psychology are only different attempts to link our experience together by way of systematic thought.”


So, you might take Einstein’s advice and seek a greater awareness of your physicality and excited mental state.   We are beings very much focused on accomplishment.  Human beings embrace a Purpose Driven Life, a Mission.   Many years ago, I read an article about a psychology experiment where ten people  were dropped off at a campsite area to wait to get picked up again to ‘go to the experiment.’  Their drop-off was the experiment.  The drop-off camping site had trash, was in disarray with rocks askew and more.  After fifteen minutes, the  people started organizing the site, picking up the trash, cleaning it up, pushing the rocks into a ring for a proper fire ring and more. 

Humans seeks Purpose. 

Nikehedonia is an important aspect of this purpose with a galvanized emotional state which comes from the enthusiasm of the heart, the gut instinct of the pursuit, the mind of calculation to press forward on the goal.  

The Thrill of Victory.

A phrase long associated with sportscasters is true.  Winning and creating accomplishments is a positive emotional burst.   We have a physical reaction to the pleasure of victory through the bloodstream and testosterone for both men and women.  One article refers to the “Testosterone and Chess Competition” experiment.  In another article, the phenomenon is not limited to men but also occurs in women.  The other chemicals involved are dopamine and norepinephrine. 

According to the article I read:

The brain responds differently to reward and punishment. Specific brain regions and chemicals are responsible for our experience of positive emotions, which accompany rewarding stimuli such as winning. An important brain chemical that plays a role in our experience of positive emotions is dopamine. This chemical mediates various emotions, such as pleasure, happiness, and excitement, due in part to its actions in a brain area called the nucleus accumbens. This brain region is activated in several circumstances involving positive emotions and pleasure, and can influence the thrill that one feels after a victory. Interestingly, this same brain region has been shown to play a role in the feelings of pleasure and excitement that one experiences when using drugs of abuse; and this same brain region might be under-performing in individuals with mood disorders such as depression.

How can you  reinforce this growing awareness of your emotional state of Nikehedonia?  Well, I had an exchange with my friend Audrey whose heritage is Greek. Now, you have to give some recognition to the Ancient Greeks who gave us Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, concepts of democracy and more. 

Audrey is a fine dedicated actress and a skill martial artist.  I told her that, when I undertake task and accomplish them that here’s what I do:

Make sure to stop and - literally - give yourself a pat on the back and talk to yourself.  “Audrey, I’m proud of you for this organization, hustle, networking and creative delivery.”  

Whatever the words but I advise you to undertake the physical action of the pat on the back and say the words out loud more than several times with growing confident voices.  Then check your emotional state - it should be higher.  Back is a little straighter.  One’s head can brim with growing great attitude:  “You (obstacles) are going down!!!"

The key is Awareness of this emotional state, small or big, and reinforcing the state with physical gestures and words said out loud. 

Nowadays, you can actually say them with earbuds in even if you’re not on the phone.  In the store, the parking lot, wherever because people will think you’re on your phone.  This technique is a huge advantage too for putting the Experiencer in your head more than the Inner Roommate (read more about them at this link). 

Use the word Nikehedonia with your family and friends.  You’ll sound cool with new words and may even help them recognize and embrace your new found technique.

Well, I just finished this article, posted it and am feeling some Nikehedonia myself.  

Pat on the back.  

Words of Recognition.

The Thrill of Victory.


Twenty Words that Once Meant Something Very Different

self improvement wordspersonal development
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
The School of Athens

Brainstorming Your How: Nikehedonia

September 08, 20246 min read

Nikehedonia is a Greek word with a unique meaning:  The pleasure derived from anticipating success.  

Read that again. 

The pleasure derived from anticipating success. 

An extremely positive emotional state which courses throughout our being and puts us into a state of excitement, accomplishment and success.

The School of Athens

Etymology - the study of words and how they have changed through history - remains a critical component of our critical thinking.  You build your critical thinking upon words, their meaning, their relationships and then the structure whether the form is a sentence, a paragraph, a book or a lifetime study. 

You might be thinking: “Hey I know what words mean.  I use them all the time!”  We do have conversational skills to create understanding.  But the exactitude of words is the programming in our brain which really trains our brain, focuses our mind and achieves our goals. 

Still don’t believe me?

Awful.  Originally the word meant ‘inspiring or filled with awe.’  Now the word means ‘horrible, terrible.’

Awe.  Originally the word meant ‘full of fear or terror.’  Now the word means ‘impressive or inspiring’ as in the phrase ‘awe inspiring’.  

Want more, check out the link below to assuage your curiosity and increase your knowledge.  My point is to not assume that you completely know the meaning of a word.  Exactitude in thinking creates exactitude in brainstorming. Precision in your words means precision in your goals and increases your chances of attaining your goals.  

“I want to make X amount of money on this Y date through this Z method.”


So now that we’ve cleared up the importance of meaning and words, we’re going back to Nikehedonia.

Let’s break down the word into its components. 

Nike + Hedonia.

“Hedonia” comes from the word hedonikos which means pleasure.  A hedonist is a person chases pleasure. 

“Nike” relates to Nike, The Greek God of Victory.  

To the Ancient Greeks with their vast and intricate mythology, the Gods spoke to them through oracles, predictions and stories.  

Nikehedonia is an emotional state where we have the pleasure of accomplishment.  For instance, when you finish a book, an art project, complete a great sports match and more, you should grow your awareness of this emotional state.  Don’t take it for granted.  You must recognize it by becoming more attuned to your physical and mental self.  

A great quote from Albert Einstein who literally changed the world of physics is “Body and soul are not two different things but only two different ways of perceiving the same thing. Similarly, physics and psychology are only different attempts to link our experience together by way of systematic thought.”


So, you might take Einstein’s advice and seek a greater awareness of your physicality and excited mental state.   We are beings very much focused on accomplishment.  Human beings embrace a Purpose Driven Life, a Mission.   Many years ago, I read an article about a psychology experiment where ten people  were dropped off at a campsite area to wait to get picked up again to ‘go to the experiment.’  Their drop-off was the experiment.  The drop-off camping site had trash, was in disarray with rocks askew and more.  After fifteen minutes, the  people started organizing the site, picking up the trash, cleaning it up, pushing the rocks into a ring for a proper fire ring and more. 

Humans seeks Purpose. 

Nikehedonia is an important aspect of this purpose with a galvanized emotional state which comes from the enthusiasm of the heart, the gut instinct of the pursuit, the mind of calculation to press forward on the goal.  

The Thrill of Victory.

A phrase long associated with sportscasters is true.  Winning and creating accomplishments is a positive emotional burst.   We have a physical reaction to the pleasure of victory through the bloodstream and testosterone for both men and women.  One article refers to the “Testosterone and Chess Competition” experiment.  In another article, the phenomenon is not limited to men but also occurs in women.  The other chemicals involved are dopamine and norepinephrine. 

According to the article I read:

The brain responds differently to reward and punishment. Specific brain regions and chemicals are responsible for our experience of positive emotions, which accompany rewarding stimuli such as winning. An important brain chemical that plays a role in our experience of positive emotions is dopamine. This chemical mediates various emotions, such as pleasure, happiness, and excitement, due in part to its actions in a brain area called the nucleus accumbens. This brain region is activated in several circumstances involving positive emotions and pleasure, and can influence the thrill that one feels after a victory. Interestingly, this same brain region has been shown to play a role in the feelings of pleasure and excitement that one experiences when using drugs of abuse; and this same brain region might be under-performing in individuals with mood disorders such as depression.

How can you  reinforce this growing awareness of your emotional state of Nikehedonia?  Well, I had an exchange with my friend Audrey whose heritage is Greek. Now, you have to give some recognition to the Ancient Greeks who gave us Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, concepts of democracy and more. 

Audrey is a fine dedicated actress and a skill martial artist.  I told her that, when I undertake task and accomplish them that here’s what I do:

Make sure to stop and - literally - give yourself a pat on the back and talk to yourself.  “Audrey, I’m proud of you for this organization, hustle, networking and creative delivery.”  

Whatever the words but I advise you to undertake the physical action of the pat on the back and say the words out loud more than several times with growing confident voices.  Then check your emotional state - it should be higher.  Back is a little straighter.  One’s head can brim with growing great attitude:  “You (obstacles) are going down!!!"

The key is Awareness of this emotional state, small or big, and reinforcing the state with physical gestures and words said out loud. 

Nowadays, you can actually say them with earbuds in even if you’re not on the phone.  In the store, the parking lot, wherever because people will think you’re on your phone.  This technique is a huge advantage too for putting the Experiencer in your head more than the Inner Roommate (read more about them at this link). 

Use the word Nikehedonia with your family and friends.  You’ll sound cool with new words and may even help them recognize and embrace your new found technique.

Well, I just finished this article, posted it and am feeling some Nikehedonia myself.  

Pat on the back.  

Words of Recognition.

The Thrill of Victory.


Twenty Words that Once Meant Something Very Different

self improvement wordspersonal development
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

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Scholar Warrior Way

Take Action to Transform Yourself

By taking the Scholar Warrior Way Course, you will get Michael's program for Self-Improvement in his pursuit of Creative Excellence in Writing, Filmmaking, Martial arts and his other pursuits from his major curious outlook. Here are the 7 Steps that he uses....

  • Powerful Why - the Key to Enthusiasm and Fulfillment

  • Scholar Warrior Identity - Embracing the new Mentality - now!

  • Your Morning Routine - Starting the day Right.

  • Brainstorming Your How - Strategy thinking and tactics

  • Create Your Own Systems - Become efficient with predictable results

  • Building Transforming Habits - Habit creates Destiny

  • The Art of Sleep - Long ignored but a necessary health break.

Levels 1, 2 and 3 - Detailing and add more videos, wisdom, resources and Learning Materials for your Growth and Self-Improvement.


What is The Purpose of the "ScholarWarriorWay" ?

By engaging in the mental perspective of the Scholar Warrior, you embrace two aspects of your life: The Scholar with a constant focus on self-development and self-improvement. The Warrior whereby you learn techniques about courage, action and derring-do to achieve your true authentic goals for a fulfilled life.

How much does Scholar Warrior Way cost?

The cost of could be absolutely no money if you just want to get on our newsletter to read the various articles on the website. If you want to take the courses on various levels, then you might spend $200-300 per year. Think of it this way: If you could improve yourself 100-200-300-1000-3600% in a single year, then how much is it worth? The price of two meals and drinks at a restaurant that you'll never remember? Make a better life choice.

How do I know I work with the ScholarWarriorWay?

ScholarWarriorWay is broken down into 7 Major Strategies. You can pick one and work on it for a few weeks, then add another strategies. They start with the Powerful Why and end with the Art of Sleep.