"The Society that separates its Scholars from its Warriors, will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools." Thucydides

PURPOSE: Become the Scholar Warrior for your Goals

Improve Every Single Day!

Improve Yourself 1% a Day = 3600%+ in a Year

Thought-Technique-Strategy of the Week:


Create Your Powerful Identity

Let's say you wish to excel in the art of painting. Or open your own woodworking business. Or become a Filmmaker which I did many years ago. The key is to utilize a Powerful Identity in reframing your Focus. Let's stick with painter for the moment.

Use the words: "I am a painter." The powerful use of the "I am..." phrase welds this new outlook to you mentally, intellectually but, more importantly, emotionally. Why emotionally? When you talk about painting (or any very exciting goal), then you can feel the electrical excitement within your body and Being.

"Being" is the act of existing within this newly embraced identity. Then you grow and become.


7 Actions To Change Your Life

Michael's Kenpo Karate Weapons Form - Knife & Pistol

You can see my Pistol & Knife form at approximately 10:31 here in the video from 2010. This is at Bryan Hawkins Kenpo Karate where I have studied Kenpo Karate for approximately over 35 years. The form is one that I created to advance in the system, utilizing Kenpo Karate principles. I use the form with the primary weapon as the firearm, duly guarded and using the knife for close-in drills. This is the training the Warrior phase!

Restoration of History

You Are History and History Is You

February 25, 20248 min read

“Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it” - George Santayan

Why Restore History?

History may not repeat but I believe that it has a rhythm which is reflected in the rise and fall of human behavior. Why is that? Because while society has moved forward on many, many fronts (think electricity, penicillin, aircraft, the internet), our human behavior remains remarkably consistent.

We still have strong self-interest. We work in groups of common interest which is highly tribal whether this is politics, religion, football, martial arts, writing, and more.

I am a World War II history devotee and historian. While restoring a machine gun may not seem like a useful thought or video, reflect on how you yourself can take parts of yourself and take off the rust, take apart the tiniest of mechanisms and fix yourself up.

Let's face it. Looking back into our individual history is filled with a number of hard emotions. These emotions can be motivators or blockers. The blockers can include the "Inner Critic" voice (which I call the "Inner Roommate". Read why I do that here). We have trauma. And I'm not even talking about big trauma such as combat PTSD, sexual abuse, violence, drug recovery and more. Humans are extraordinarily sensitive creatures and we push away uncomfortable feelings. These feelings stay inside the body until we process them.

But we avoid processing them, feeling them and embracing discomfort. Watch this video and see how the parts are taken apart, restored, refined, replaced and reworked.

This is a metaphor for ourselves but you could apply the same to an old car, clock or another device.

The Rusty Machine Gun MG34

This is the starting point.

Watch the video - you will see it restored by approx 15:07 or so.

Here is the finished version. A piece of history restored.

MG 34 Restored

Reflective Resurgence: The Scholar Warrior's Path to Personal Growth

In the labyrinth of life, we often find ourselves at a crossroad, pondering over our actions, relationships, and choices. Each of us carries a history, as intricate and unique as our fingerprints, shaping our beliefs, fears, and ambitions. The capacity for reflection is what sets the philosopher apart from the casual thinker, the seeker of truth from the indifferent passerby.

Philosophical thinkers, often described as scholar warriors, are armed with the wisdom collected from the annals of human experience. As they reflect on that which has passed, they sharpen their resolve to create a better present and future. It is through this reflective process that we find the true essence of personal growth and our ability to contribute to a better world.

This article serves as a reflective guide, offering seven vignettes through which the scholar warrior can rekindle their inner flame, shatter self-imposed limitations, and stride confidently towards a future of their making. Embark on this serene yet invigorating quest for self-understanding and resurgence as you traverse through the art of personal reflection.

1. Reflecting on Our Mission

Our life is our mission, and each of us is the architect of our destiny. By cultiv...

2. The Pillars of Self-Improvement

In our journey of self-improvement, it is crucial to acknowledge the foundational pillars that uphold our aspirations to become better versions of ourselves. These pillars – self-awareness, discipline, lifelong learning, resilience, and empathy – act as guiding beacons on our path. Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires which allows us to understand our strengths and weaknesses. Discipline is the practice of training oneself to be controlled and habitual in pursuing our goals, irrespective of transient emotions and distractions. Lifelong learning keeps the scholar warrior intellectually nimble and adaptive to change. Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from challenges, stronger and wiser. Last but certainly not least, empathy enables us to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering meaningful relationships and a supportive environment for mutual growth. By nurturing these facets of our character, we can stride forward with confidence and a clear sense of purpose.

(`the content continues with a detailed exploration of how reflecting on our past can help us discern our mission in life and direct our actions accordingly.`)

2. Reclaiming Our Identity

Your past doesn't define you--it informs you. Countless individuals walk through life burdened by negative labels hung around their necks like albatrosses. But here's the secret: You have the power to reclaim your identity. Through reflection, we can identify the beliefs and narratives that have been imposed on us by others or ourselves. By questioning their validity and replacing them with empowering ones, we break free from self-imposed limitations and step into our true potential. As scholar warriors, it is essential to cultivate a sense of self-awareness and agency in defining who we are.

(`the content continues with

3. Learning from Past Behaviors

Habits, good or bad, shape the contours of our daily existence. In this section, the Scholar Warrior is encouraged to analyze past behaviors and their effects to better understand the levers of change. Through reflection, we can identify the triggers and patterns that lead to unhealthy habits and replace them with positive ones. This process of introspection and behavior modification is crucial for personal growth and development.

4. Seeking Truth

In an era of information overload, it is easy to get lost in a sea of opinions and biases. As scholar warriors, it's our duty to seek truth and critically evaluate the information we consume. Through reflection, we can challenge our own beliefs and biases and strive for a deeper understanding of complex issues. By seeking truth, we not only expand our knowledge but also contribute to a more informed and enlightened society.

5. Embracing Change

Change is inevitable in life, and as scholar warriors, it is essential to embrace it with open arms. Through reflection, we can assess our attitudes towards change and identify any resistance or fear that may hinder our growth. By embracing change, we unlock new opportunities for learning and personal development.

6. Nurturing Relationships

Humans are social creatures, and our relationships play a significant role in shaping us as individuals. Through reflection, we can analyze our relationships and identify areas for improvement. By nurturing meaningful connections with others, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the growth and well-being of those around us.

7. Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for personal growth, as it allows us to appreciate the blessings in our lives and shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. Through reflection, we can cultivate gratitude by acknowledging and expressing appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that enrich our lives.

Reflecting on these seven vignettes can help the scholar warrior navigate through life with a sense of purpose, self-awareness, and growth mindset. By incorporating personal reflection into our daily routines, we can continue to evolve as individuals

4. Change: Past ≠ Future

It’s a quirk of human nature to assume that if the past was a certain way, the future will probably be the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. Grasping the idea...

that our past does not dictate our future is a key lesson to be learned through personal reflection. By examining our behaviors, beliefs, and relationships, we can break free from limiting patterns and create a new reality for ourselves. This realization empowers us to make conscious choices and take control of our destiny.

(`the content continues with further exploration of how personal reflection can lead to

5. The Power of Now

Yesterday is but a memory, and tomorrow is not promised. The only time where real change can happen is the present. This section will detail the importance and techniques for living in the present and making the most of today’s opportunities. By reflecting on the past and being mindful of our present actions, we can shape a brighter future for ourselves.

6. Moving Forward with Purpose

As scholar warriors, it's crucial to have a sense of purpose that drives us forward. Through reflection and introspection, we can identify our passions, values, and goals in life. This awareness allows us to make deliberate choices that align with our mission and bring us closer to personal fulfillment. By constantly reassessing and refining our purpose, we can continue to grow and evolve as individuals.

7. The Ripple Effect: Every Action, Every Thought

The choices we make, the words we speak, the thoughts we entertain – all have a profound effect that ripples through our lives. This section will go deep into understanding these ripple effects and leveraging them for personal and collective good. By reflecting on the consequences of our actions and thoughts, we can make conscious decisions that align with our values and contribute to a positive ripple effect in the world.

Through personal reflection, we not only gain a deeper understanding of ourselves but also become more aware of our impact on others and the world around us. As scholar warriors, it is essential to take responsibility for our actions

8. Conclusion: The Scholar Warrior's Journey

The conclusion will succinctly tie together the concepts presented in the article. It will emphasize the promise that the Scholar Warrior's path is not only a method of self-improvement but a duty of those who aim to contribute positively to the world. By continuously reflecting and incorporating these principles into our lives, we can continue to evolve and become the best version of ourselves. As scholar warriors, we are on a never-ending journey of self-discovery and growth, and through our actions, we strive to make a positive impact in the world around us. Let us embrace this path with open hearts and minds, always seeking truth.

Wikipedia - MG 34


historyworld war IIrestorationrejuvenation
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
Restoration of History

You Are History and History Is You

February 25, 20248 min read

“Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it” - George Santayan

Why Restore History?

History may not repeat but I believe that it has a rhythm which is reflected in the rise and fall of human behavior. Why is that? Because while society has moved forward on many, many fronts (think electricity, penicillin, aircraft, the internet), our human behavior remains remarkably consistent.

We still have strong self-interest. We work in groups of common interest which is highly tribal whether this is politics, religion, football, martial arts, writing, and more.

I am a World War II history devotee and historian. While restoring a machine gun may not seem like a useful thought or video, reflect on how you yourself can take parts of yourself and take off the rust, take apart the tiniest of mechanisms and fix yourself up.

Let's face it. Looking back into our individual history is filled with a number of hard emotions. These emotions can be motivators or blockers. The blockers can include the "Inner Critic" voice (which I call the "Inner Roommate". Read why I do that here). We have trauma. And I'm not even talking about big trauma such as combat PTSD, sexual abuse, violence, drug recovery and more. Humans are extraordinarily sensitive creatures and we push away uncomfortable feelings. These feelings stay inside the body until we process them.

But we avoid processing them, feeling them and embracing discomfort. Watch this video and see how the parts are taken apart, restored, refined, replaced and reworked.

This is a metaphor for ourselves but you could apply the same to an old car, clock or another device.

The Rusty Machine Gun MG34

This is the starting point.

Watch the video - you will see it restored by approx 15:07 or so.

Here is the finished version. A piece of history restored.

MG 34 Restored

Reflective Resurgence: The Scholar Warrior's Path to Personal Growth

In the labyrinth of life, we often find ourselves at a crossroad, pondering over our actions, relationships, and choices. Each of us carries a history, as intricate and unique as our fingerprints, shaping our beliefs, fears, and ambitions. The capacity for reflection is what sets the philosopher apart from the casual thinker, the seeker of truth from the indifferent passerby.

Philosophical thinkers, often described as scholar warriors, are armed with the wisdom collected from the annals of human experience. As they reflect on that which has passed, they sharpen their resolve to create a better present and future. It is through this reflective process that we find the true essence of personal growth and our ability to contribute to a better world.

This article serves as a reflective guide, offering seven vignettes through which the scholar warrior can rekindle their inner flame, shatter self-imposed limitations, and stride confidently towards a future of their making. Embark on this serene yet invigorating quest for self-understanding and resurgence as you traverse through the art of personal reflection.

1. Reflecting on Our Mission

Our life is our mission, and each of us is the architect of our destiny. By cultiv...

2. The Pillars of Self-Improvement

In our journey of self-improvement, it is crucial to acknowledge the foundational pillars that uphold our aspirations to become better versions of ourselves. These pillars – self-awareness, discipline, lifelong learning, resilience, and empathy – act as guiding beacons on our path. Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires which allows us to understand our strengths and weaknesses. Discipline is the practice of training oneself to be controlled and habitual in pursuing our goals, irrespective of transient emotions and distractions. Lifelong learning keeps the scholar warrior intellectually nimble and adaptive to change. Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from challenges, stronger and wiser. Last but certainly not least, empathy enables us to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering meaningful relationships and a supportive environment for mutual growth. By nurturing these facets of our character, we can stride forward with confidence and a clear sense of purpose.

(`the content continues with a detailed exploration of how reflecting on our past can help us discern our mission in life and direct our actions accordingly.`)

2. Reclaiming Our Identity

Your past doesn't define you--it informs you. Countless individuals walk through life burdened by negative labels hung around their necks like albatrosses. But here's the secret: You have the power to reclaim your identity. Through reflection, we can identify the beliefs and narratives that have been imposed on us by others or ourselves. By questioning their validity and replacing them with empowering ones, we break free from self-imposed limitations and step into our true potential. As scholar warriors, it is essential to cultivate a sense of self-awareness and agency in defining who we are.

(`the content continues with

3. Learning from Past Behaviors

Habits, good or bad, shape the contours of our daily existence. In this section, the Scholar Warrior is encouraged to analyze past behaviors and their effects to better understand the levers of change. Through reflection, we can identify the triggers and patterns that lead to unhealthy habits and replace them with positive ones. This process of introspection and behavior modification is crucial for personal growth and development.

4. Seeking Truth

In an era of information overload, it is easy to get lost in a sea of opinions and biases. As scholar warriors, it's our duty to seek truth and critically evaluate the information we consume. Through reflection, we can challenge our own beliefs and biases and strive for a deeper understanding of complex issues. By seeking truth, we not only expand our knowledge but also contribute to a more informed and enlightened society.

5. Embracing Change

Change is inevitable in life, and as scholar warriors, it is essential to embrace it with open arms. Through reflection, we can assess our attitudes towards change and identify any resistance or fear that may hinder our growth. By embracing change, we unlock new opportunities for learning and personal development.

6. Nurturing Relationships

Humans are social creatures, and our relationships play a significant role in shaping us as individuals. Through reflection, we can analyze our relationships and identify areas for improvement. By nurturing meaningful connections with others, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the growth and well-being of those around us.

7. Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for personal growth, as it allows us to appreciate the blessings in our lives and shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. Through reflection, we can cultivate gratitude by acknowledging and expressing appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that enrich our lives.

Reflecting on these seven vignettes can help the scholar warrior navigate through life with a sense of purpose, self-awareness, and growth mindset. By incorporating personal reflection into our daily routines, we can continue to evolve as individuals

4. Change: Past ≠ Future

It’s a quirk of human nature to assume that if the past was a certain way, the future will probably be the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. Grasping the idea...

that our past does not dictate our future is a key lesson to be learned through personal reflection. By examining our behaviors, beliefs, and relationships, we can break free from limiting patterns and create a new reality for ourselves. This realization empowers us to make conscious choices and take control of our destiny.

(`the content continues with further exploration of how personal reflection can lead to

5. The Power of Now

Yesterday is but a memory, and tomorrow is not promised. The only time where real change can happen is the present. This section will detail the importance and techniques for living in the present and making the most of today’s opportunities. By reflecting on the past and being mindful of our present actions, we can shape a brighter future for ourselves.

6. Moving Forward with Purpose

As scholar warriors, it's crucial to have a sense of purpose that drives us forward. Through reflection and introspection, we can identify our passions, values, and goals in life. This awareness allows us to make deliberate choices that align with our mission and bring us closer to personal fulfillment. By constantly reassessing and refining our purpose, we can continue to grow and evolve as individuals.

7. The Ripple Effect: Every Action, Every Thought

The choices we make, the words we speak, the thoughts we entertain – all have a profound effect that ripples through our lives. This section will go deep into understanding these ripple effects and leveraging them for personal and collective good. By reflecting on the consequences of our actions and thoughts, we can make conscious decisions that align with our values and contribute to a positive ripple effect in the world.

Through personal reflection, we not only gain a deeper understanding of ourselves but also become more aware of our impact on others and the world around us. As scholar warriors, it is essential to take responsibility for our actions

8. Conclusion: The Scholar Warrior's Journey

The conclusion will succinctly tie together the concepts presented in the article. It will emphasize the promise that the Scholar Warrior's path is not only a method of self-improvement but a duty of those who aim to contribute positively to the world. By continuously reflecting and incorporating these principles into our lives, we can continue to evolve and become the best version of ourselves. As scholar warriors, we are on a never-ending journey of self-discovery and growth, and through our actions, we strive to make a positive impact in the world around us. Let us embrace this path with open hearts and minds, always seeking truth.

Wikipedia - MG 34


historyworld war IIrestorationrejuvenation
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
Restoration of History

You Are History and History Is You

February 25, 20248 min read

“Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it” - George Santayan

Why Restore History?

History may not repeat but I believe that it has a rhythm which is reflected in the rise and fall of human behavior. Why is that? Because while society has moved forward on many, many fronts (think electricity, penicillin, aircraft, the internet), our human behavior remains remarkably consistent.

We still have strong self-interest. We work in groups of common interest which is highly tribal whether this is politics, religion, football, martial arts, writing, and more.

I am a World War II history devotee and historian. While restoring a machine gun may not seem like a useful thought or video, reflect on how you yourself can take parts of yourself and take off the rust, take apart the tiniest of mechanisms and fix yourself up.

Let's face it. Looking back into our individual history is filled with a number of hard emotions. These emotions can be motivators or blockers. The blockers can include the "Inner Critic" voice (which I call the "Inner Roommate". Read why I do that here). We have trauma. And I'm not even talking about big trauma such as combat PTSD, sexual abuse, violence, drug recovery and more. Humans are extraordinarily sensitive creatures and we push away uncomfortable feelings. These feelings stay inside the body until we process them.

But we avoid processing them, feeling them and embracing discomfort. Watch this video and see how the parts are taken apart, restored, refined, replaced and reworked.

This is a metaphor for ourselves but you could apply the same to an old car, clock or another device.

The Rusty Machine Gun MG34

This is the starting point.

Watch the video - you will see it restored by approx 15:07 or so.

Here is the finished version. A piece of history restored.

MG 34 Restored

Reflective Resurgence: The Scholar Warrior's Path to Personal Growth

In the labyrinth of life, we often find ourselves at a crossroad, pondering over our actions, relationships, and choices. Each of us carries a history, as intricate and unique as our fingerprints, shaping our beliefs, fears, and ambitions. The capacity for reflection is what sets the philosopher apart from the casual thinker, the seeker of truth from the indifferent passerby.

Philosophical thinkers, often described as scholar warriors, are armed with the wisdom collected from the annals of human experience. As they reflect on that which has passed, they sharpen their resolve to create a better present and future. It is through this reflective process that we find the true essence of personal growth and our ability to contribute to a better world.

This article serves as a reflective guide, offering seven vignettes through which the scholar warrior can rekindle their inner flame, shatter self-imposed limitations, and stride confidently towards a future of their making. Embark on this serene yet invigorating quest for self-understanding and resurgence as you traverse through the art of personal reflection.

1. Reflecting on Our Mission

Our life is our mission, and each of us is the architect of our destiny. By cultiv...

2. The Pillars of Self-Improvement

In our journey of self-improvement, it is crucial to acknowledge the foundational pillars that uphold our aspirations to become better versions of ourselves. These pillars – self-awareness, discipline, lifelong learning, resilience, and empathy – act as guiding beacons on our path. Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires which allows us to understand our strengths and weaknesses. Discipline is the practice of training oneself to be controlled and habitual in pursuing our goals, irrespective of transient emotions and distractions. Lifelong learning keeps the scholar warrior intellectually nimble and adaptive to change. Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from challenges, stronger and wiser. Last but certainly not least, empathy enables us to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering meaningful relationships and a supportive environment for mutual growth. By nurturing these facets of our character, we can stride forward with confidence and a clear sense of purpose.

(`the content continues with a detailed exploration of how reflecting on our past can help us discern our mission in life and direct our actions accordingly.`)

2. Reclaiming Our Identity

Your past doesn't define you--it informs you. Countless individuals walk through life burdened by negative labels hung around their necks like albatrosses. But here's the secret: You have the power to reclaim your identity. Through reflection, we can identify the beliefs and narratives that have been imposed on us by others or ourselves. By questioning their validity and replacing them with empowering ones, we break free from self-imposed limitations and step into our true potential. As scholar warriors, it is essential to cultivate a sense of self-awareness and agency in defining who we are.

(`the content continues with

3. Learning from Past Behaviors

Habits, good or bad, shape the contours of our daily existence. In this section, the Scholar Warrior is encouraged to analyze past behaviors and their effects to better understand the levers of change. Through reflection, we can identify the triggers and patterns that lead to unhealthy habits and replace them with positive ones. This process of introspection and behavior modification is crucial for personal growth and development.

4. Seeking Truth

In an era of information overload, it is easy to get lost in a sea of opinions and biases. As scholar warriors, it's our duty to seek truth and critically evaluate the information we consume. Through reflection, we can challenge our own beliefs and biases and strive for a deeper understanding of complex issues. By seeking truth, we not only expand our knowledge but also contribute to a more informed and enlightened society.

5. Embracing Change

Change is inevitable in life, and as scholar warriors, it is essential to embrace it with open arms. Through reflection, we can assess our attitudes towards change and identify any resistance or fear that may hinder our growth. By embracing change, we unlock new opportunities for learning and personal development.

6. Nurturing Relationships

Humans are social creatures, and our relationships play a significant role in shaping us as individuals. Through reflection, we can analyze our relationships and identify areas for improvement. By nurturing meaningful connections with others, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the growth and well-being of those around us.

7. Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for personal growth, as it allows us to appreciate the blessings in our lives and shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. Through reflection, we can cultivate gratitude by acknowledging and expressing appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that enrich our lives.

Reflecting on these seven vignettes can help the scholar warrior navigate through life with a sense of purpose, self-awareness, and growth mindset. By incorporating personal reflection into our daily routines, we can continue to evolve as individuals

4. Change: Past ≠ Future

It’s a quirk of human nature to assume that if the past was a certain way, the future will probably be the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. Grasping the idea...

that our past does not dictate our future is a key lesson to be learned through personal reflection. By examining our behaviors, beliefs, and relationships, we can break free from limiting patterns and create a new reality for ourselves. This realization empowers us to make conscious choices and take control of our destiny.

(`the content continues with further exploration of how personal reflection can lead to

5. The Power of Now

Yesterday is but a memory, and tomorrow is not promised. The only time where real change can happen is the present. This section will detail the importance and techniques for living in the present and making the most of today’s opportunities. By reflecting on the past and being mindful of our present actions, we can shape a brighter future for ourselves.

6. Moving Forward with Purpose

As scholar warriors, it's crucial to have a sense of purpose that drives us forward. Through reflection and introspection, we can identify our passions, values, and goals in life. This awareness allows us to make deliberate choices that align with our mission and bring us closer to personal fulfillment. By constantly reassessing and refining our purpose, we can continue to grow and evolve as individuals.

7. The Ripple Effect: Every Action, Every Thought

The choices we make, the words we speak, the thoughts we entertain – all have a profound effect that ripples through our lives. This section will go deep into understanding these ripple effects and leveraging them for personal and collective good. By reflecting on the consequences of our actions and thoughts, we can make conscious decisions that align with our values and contribute to a positive ripple effect in the world.

Through personal reflection, we not only gain a deeper understanding of ourselves but also become more aware of our impact on others and the world around us. As scholar warriors, it is essential to take responsibility for our actions

8. Conclusion: The Scholar Warrior's Journey

The conclusion will succinctly tie together the concepts presented in the article. It will emphasize the promise that the Scholar Warrior's path is not only a method of self-improvement but a duty of those who aim to contribute positively to the world. By continuously reflecting and incorporating these principles into our lives, we can continue to evolve and become the best version of ourselves. As scholar warriors, we are on a never-ending journey of self-discovery and growth, and through our actions, we strive to make a positive impact in the world around us. Let us embrace this path with open hearts and minds, always seeking truth.

Wikipedia - MG 34


historyworld war IIrestorationrejuvenation
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
Restoration of History

You Are History and History Is You

February 25, 20248 min read

“Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it” - George Santayan

Why Restore History?

History may not repeat but I believe that it has a rhythm which is reflected in the rise and fall of human behavior. Why is that? Because while society has moved forward on many, many fronts (think electricity, penicillin, aircraft, the internet), our human behavior remains remarkably consistent.

We still have strong self-interest. We work in groups of common interest which is highly tribal whether this is politics, religion, football, martial arts, writing, and more.

I am a World War II history devotee and historian. While restoring a machine gun may not seem like a useful thought or video, reflect on how you yourself can take parts of yourself and take off the rust, take apart the tiniest of mechanisms and fix yourself up.

Let's face it. Looking back into our individual history is filled with a number of hard emotions. These emotions can be motivators or blockers. The blockers can include the "Inner Critic" voice (which I call the "Inner Roommate". Read why I do that here). We have trauma. And I'm not even talking about big trauma such as combat PTSD, sexual abuse, violence, drug recovery and more. Humans are extraordinarily sensitive creatures and we push away uncomfortable feelings. These feelings stay inside the body until we process them.

But we avoid processing them, feeling them and embracing discomfort. Watch this video and see how the parts are taken apart, restored, refined, replaced and reworked.

This is a metaphor for ourselves but you could apply the same to an old car, clock or another device.

The Rusty Machine Gun MG34

This is the starting point.

Watch the video - you will see it restored by approx 15:07 or so.

Here is the finished version. A piece of history restored.

MG 34 Restored

Reflective Resurgence: The Scholar Warrior's Path to Personal Growth

In the labyrinth of life, we often find ourselves at a crossroad, pondering over our actions, relationships, and choices. Each of us carries a history, as intricate and unique as our fingerprints, shaping our beliefs, fears, and ambitions. The capacity for reflection is what sets the philosopher apart from the casual thinker, the seeker of truth from the indifferent passerby.

Philosophical thinkers, often described as scholar warriors, are armed with the wisdom collected from the annals of human experience. As they reflect on that which has passed, they sharpen their resolve to create a better present and future. It is through this reflective process that we find the true essence of personal growth and our ability to contribute to a better world.

This article serves as a reflective guide, offering seven vignettes through which the scholar warrior can rekindle their inner flame, shatter self-imposed limitations, and stride confidently towards a future of their making. Embark on this serene yet invigorating quest for self-understanding and resurgence as you traverse through the art of personal reflection.

1. Reflecting on Our Mission

Our life is our mission, and each of us is the architect of our destiny. By cultiv...

2. The Pillars of Self-Improvement

In our journey of self-improvement, it is crucial to acknowledge the foundational pillars that uphold our aspirations to become better versions of ourselves. These pillars – self-awareness, discipline, lifelong learning, resilience, and empathy – act as guiding beacons on our path. Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires which allows us to understand our strengths and weaknesses. Discipline is the practice of training oneself to be controlled and habitual in pursuing our goals, irrespective of transient emotions and distractions. Lifelong learning keeps the scholar warrior intellectually nimble and adaptive to change. Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from challenges, stronger and wiser. Last but certainly not least, empathy enables us to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering meaningful relationships and a supportive environment for mutual growth. By nurturing these facets of our character, we can stride forward with confidence and a clear sense of purpose.

(`the content continues with a detailed exploration of how reflecting on our past can help us discern our mission in life and direct our actions accordingly.`)

2. Reclaiming Our Identity

Your past doesn't define you--it informs you. Countless individuals walk through life burdened by negative labels hung around their necks like albatrosses. But here's the secret: You have the power to reclaim your identity. Through reflection, we can identify the beliefs and narratives that have been imposed on us by others or ourselves. By questioning their validity and replacing them with empowering ones, we break free from self-imposed limitations and step into our true potential. As scholar warriors, it is essential to cultivate a sense of self-awareness and agency in defining who we are.

(`the content continues with

3. Learning from Past Behaviors

Habits, good or bad, shape the contours of our daily existence. In this section, the Scholar Warrior is encouraged to analyze past behaviors and their effects to better understand the levers of change. Through reflection, we can identify the triggers and patterns that lead to unhealthy habits and replace them with positive ones. This process of introspection and behavior modification is crucial for personal growth and development.

4. Seeking Truth

In an era of information overload, it is easy to get lost in a sea of opinions and biases. As scholar warriors, it's our duty to seek truth and critically evaluate the information we consume. Through reflection, we can challenge our own beliefs and biases and strive for a deeper understanding of complex issues. By seeking truth, we not only expand our knowledge but also contribute to a more informed and enlightened society.

5. Embracing Change

Change is inevitable in life, and as scholar warriors, it is essential to embrace it with open arms. Through reflection, we can assess our attitudes towards change and identify any resistance or fear that may hinder our growth. By embracing change, we unlock new opportunities for learning and personal development.

6. Nurturing Relationships

Humans are social creatures, and our relationships play a significant role in shaping us as individuals. Through reflection, we can analyze our relationships and identify areas for improvement. By nurturing meaningful connections with others, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the growth and well-being of those around us.

7. Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for personal growth, as it allows us to appreciate the blessings in our lives and shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. Through reflection, we can cultivate gratitude by acknowledging and expressing appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that enrich our lives.

Reflecting on these seven vignettes can help the scholar warrior navigate through life with a sense of purpose, self-awareness, and growth mindset. By incorporating personal reflection into our daily routines, we can continue to evolve as individuals

4. Change: Past ≠ Future

It’s a quirk of human nature to assume that if the past was a certain way, the future will probably be the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. Grasping the idea...

that our past does not dictate our future is a key lesson to be learned through personal reflection. By examining our behaviors, beliefs, and relationships, we can break free from limiting patterns and create a new reality for ourselves. This realization empowers us to make conscious choices and take control of our destiny.

(`the content continues with further exploration of how personal reflection can lead to

5. The Power of Now

Yesterday is but a memory, and tomorrow is not promised. The only time where real change can happen is the present. This section will detail the importance and techniques for living in the present and making the most of today’s opportunities. By reflecting on the past and being mindful of our present actions, we can shape a brighter future for ourselves.

6. Moving Forward with Purpose

As scholar warriors, it's crucial to have a sense of purpose that drives us forward. Through reflection and introspection, we can identify our passions, values, and goals in life. This awareness allows us to make deliberate choices that align with our mission and bring us closer to personal fulfillment. By constantly reassessing and refining our purpose, we can continue to grow and evolve as individuals.

7. The Ripple Effect: Every Action, Every Thought

The choices we make, the words we speak, the thoughts we entertain – all have a profound effect that ripples through our lives. This section will go deep into understanding these ripple effects and leveraging them for personal and collective good. By reflecting on the consequences of our actions and thoughts, we can make conscious decisions that align with our values and contribute to a positive ripple effect in the world.

Through personal reflection, we not only gain a deeper understanding of ourselves but also become more aware of our impact on others and the world around us. As scholar warriors, it is essential to take responsibility for our actions

8. Conclusion: The Scholar Warrior's Journey

The conclusion will succinctly tie together the concepts presented in the article. It will emphasize the promise that the Scholar Warrior's path is not only a method of self-improvement but a duty of those who aim to contribute positively to the world. By continuously reflecting and incorporating these principles into our lives, we can continue to evolve and become the best version of ourselves. As scholar warriors, we are on a never-ending journey of self-discovery and growth, and through our actions, we strive to make a positive impact in the world around us. Let us embrace this path with open hearts and minds, always seeking truth.

Wikipedia - MG 34


historyworld war IIrestorationrejuvenation
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
Restoration of History

You Are History and History Is You

February 25, 20248 min read

“Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it” - George Santayan

Why Restore History?

History may not repeat but I believe that it has a rhythm which is reflected in the rise and fall of human behavior. Why is that? Because while society has moved forward on many, many fronts (think electricity, penicillin, aircraft, the internet), our human behavior remains remarkably consistent.

We still have strong self-interest. We work in groups of common interest which is highly tribal whether this is politics, religion, football, martial arts, writing, and more.

I am a World War II history devotee and historian. While restoring a machine gun may not seem like a useful thought or video, reflect on how you yourself can take parts of yourself and take off the rust, take apart the tiniest of mechanisms and fix yourself up.

Let's face it. Looking back into our individual history is filled with a number of hard emotions. These emotions can be motivators or blockers. The blockers can include the "Inner Critic" voice (which I call the "Inner Roommate". Read why I do that here). We have trauma. And I'm not even talking about big trauma such as combat PTSD, sexual abuse, violence, drug recovery and more. Humans are extraordinarily sensitive creatures and we push away uncomfortable feelings. These feelings stay inside the body until we process them.

But we avoid processing them, feeling them and embracing discomfort. Watch this video and see how the parts are taken apart, restored, refined, replaced and reworked.

This is a metaphor for ourselves but you could apply the same to an old car, clock or another device.

The Rusty Machine Gun MG34

This is the starting point.

Watch the video - you will see it restored by approx 15:07 or so.

Here is the finished version. A piece of history restored.

MG 34 Restored

Reflective Resurgence: The Scholar Warrior's Path to Personal Growth

In the labyrinth of life, we often find ourselves at a crossroad, pondering over our actions, relationships, and choices. Each of us carries a history, as intricate and unique as our fingerprints, shaping our beliefs, fears, and ambitions. The capacity for reflection is what sets the philosopher apart from the casual thinker, the seeker of truth from the indifferent passerby.

Philosophical thinkers, often described as scholar warriors, are armed with the wisdom collected from the annals of human experience. As they reflect on that which has passed, they sharpen their resolve to create a better present and future. It is through this reflective process that we find the true essence of personal growth and our ability to contribute to a better world.

This article serves as a reflective guide, offering seven vignettes through which the scholar warrior can rekindle their inner flame, shatter self-imposed limitations, and stride confidently towards a future of their making. Embark on this serene yet invigorating quest for self-understanding and resurgence as you traverse through the art of personal reflection.

1. Reflecting on Our Mission

Our life is our mission, and each of us is the architect of our destiny. By cultiv...

2. The Pillars of Self-Improvement

In our journey of self-improvement, it is crucial to acknowledge the foundational pillars that uphold our aspirations to become better versions of ourselves. These pillars – self-awareness, discipline, lifelong learning, resilience, and empathy – act as guiding beacons on our path. Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires which allows us to understand our strengths and weaknesses. Discipline is the practice of training oneself to be controlled and habitual in pursuing our goals, irrespective of transient emotions and distractions. Lifelong learning keeps the scholar warrior intellectually nimble and adaptive to change. Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from challenges, stronger and wiser. Last but certainly not least, empathy enables us to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering meaningful relationships and a supportive environment for mutual growth. By nurturing these facets of our character, we can stride forward with confidence and a clear sense of purpose.

(`the content continues with a detailed exploration of how reflecting on our past can help us discern our mission in life and direct our actions accordingly.`)

2. Reclaiming Our Identity

Your past doesn't define you--it informs you. Countless individuals walk through life burdened by negative labels hung around their necks like albatrosses. But here's the secret: You have the power to reclaim your identity. Through reflection, we can identify the beliefs and narratives that have been imposed on us by others or ourselves. By questioning their validity and replacing them with empowering ones, we break free from self-imposed limitations and step into our true potential. As scholar warriors, it is essential to cultivate a sense of self-awareness and agency in defining who we are.

(`the content continues with

3. Learning from Past Behaviors

Habits, good or bad, shape the contours of our daily existence. In this section, the Scholar Warrior is encouraged to analyze past behaviors and their effects to better understand the levers of change. Through reflection, we can identify the triggers and patterns that lead to unhealthy habits and replace them with positive ones. This process of introspection and behavior modification is crucial for personal growth and development.

4. Seeking Truth

In an era of information overload, it is easy to get lost in a sea of opinions and biases. As scholar warriors, it's our duty to seek truth and critically evaluate the information we consume. Through reflection, we can challenge our own beliefs and biases and strive for a deeper understanding of complex issues. By seeking truth, we not only expand our knowledge but also contribute to a more informed and enlightened society.

5. Embracing Change

Change is inevitable in life, and as scholar warriors, it is essential to embrace it with open arms. Through reflection, we can assess our attitudes towards change and identify any resistance or fear that may hinder our growth. By embracing change, we unlock new opportunities for learning and personal development.

6. Nurturing Relationships

Humans are social creatures, and our relationships play a significant role in shaping us as individuals. Through reflection, we can analyze our relationships and identify areas for improvement. By nurturing meaningful connections with others, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the growth and well-being of those around us.

7. Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for personal growth, as it allows us to appreciate the blessings in our lives and shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. Through reflection, we can cultivate gratitude by acknowledging and expressing appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that enrich our lives.

Reflecting on these seven vignettes can help the scholar warrior navigate through life with a sense of purpose, self-awareness, and growth mindset. By incorporating personal reflection into our daily routines, we can continue to evolve as individuals

4. Change: Past ≠ Future

It’s a quirk of human nature to assume that if the past was a certain way, the future will probably be the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. Grasping the idea...

that our past does not dictate our future is a key lesson to be learned through personal reflection. By examining our behaviors, beliefs, and relationships, we can break free from limiting patterns and create a new reality for ourselves. This realization empowers us to make conscious choices and take control of our destiny.

(`the content continues with further exploration of how personal reflection can lead to

5. The Power of Now

Yesterday is but a memory, and tomorrow is not promised. The only time where real change can happen is the present. This section will detail the importance and techniques for living in the present and making the most of today’s opportunities. By reflecting on the past and being mindful of our present actions, we can shape a brighter future for ourselves.

6. Moving Forward with Purpose

As scholar warriors, it's crucial to have a sense of purpose that drives us forward. Through reflection and introspection, we can identify our passions, values, and goals in life. This awareness allows us to make deliberate choices that align with our mission and bring us closer to personal fulfillment. By constantly reassessing and refining our purpose, we can continue to grow and evolve as individuals.

7. The Ripple Effect: Every Action, Every Thought

The choices we make, the words we speak, the thoughts we entertain – all have a profound effect that ripples through our lives. This section will go deep into understanding these ripple effects and leveraging them for personal and collective good. By reflecting on the consequences of our actions and thoughts, we can make conscious decisions that align with our values and contribute to a positive ripple effect in the world.

Through personal reflection, we not only gain a deeper understanding of ourselves but also become more aware of our impact on others and the world around us. As scholar warriors, it is essential to take responsibility for our actions

8. Conclusion: The Scholar Warrior's Journey

The conclusion will succinctly tie together the concepts presented in the article. It will emphasize the promise that the Scholar Warrior's path is not only a method of self-improvement but a duty of those who aim to contribute positively to the world. By continuously reflecting and incorporating these principles into our lives, we can continue to evolve and become the best version of ourselves. As scholar warriors, we are on a never-ending journey of self-discovery and growth, and through our actions, we strive to make a positive impact in the world around us. Let us embrace this path with open hearts and minds, always seeking truth.

Wikipedia - MG 34


historyworld war IIrestorationrejuvenation
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
Restoration of History

You Are History and History Is You

February 25, 20248 min read

“Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it” - George Santayan

Why Restore History?

History may not repeat but I believe that it has a rhythm which is reflected in the rise and fall of human behavior. Why is that? Because while society has moved forward on many, many fronts (think electricity, penicillin, aircraft, the internet), our human behavior remains remarkably consistent.

We still have strong self-interest. We work in groups of common interest which is highly tribal whether this is politics, religion, football, martial arts, writing, and more.

I am a World War II history devotee and historian. While restoring a machine gun may not seem like a useful thought or video, reflect on how you yourself can take parts of yourself and take off the rust, take apart the tiniest of mechanisms and fix yourself up.

Let's face it. Looking back into our individual history is filled with a number of hard emotions. These emotions can be motivators or blockers. The blockers can include the "Inner Critic" voice (which I call the "Inner Roommate". Read why I do that here). We have trauma. And I'm not even talking about big trauma such as combat PTSD, sexual abuse, violence, drug recovery and more. Humans are extraordinarily sensitive creatures and we push away uncomfortable feelings. These feelings stay inside the body until we process them.

But we avoid processing them, feeling them and embracing discomfort. Watch this video and see how the parts are taken apart, restored, refined, replaced and reworked.

This is a metaphor for ourselves but you could apply the same to an old car, clock or another device.

The Rusty Machine Gun MG34

This is the starting point.

Watch the video - you will see it restored by approx 15:07 or so.

Here is the finished version. A piece of history restored.

MG 34 Restored

Reflective Resurgence: The Scholar Warrior's Path to Personal Growth

In the labyrinth of life, we often find ourselves at a crossroad, pondering over our actions, relationships, and choices. Each of us carries a history, as intricate and unique as our fingerprints, shaping our beliefs, fears, and ambitions. The capacity for reflection is what sets the philosopher apart from the casual thinker, the seeker of truth from the indifferent passerby.

Philosophical thinkers, often described as scholar warriors, are armed with the wisdom collected from the annals of human experience. As they reflect on that which has passed, they sharpen their resolve to create a better present and future. It is through this reflective process that we find the true essence of personal growth and our ability to contribute to a better world.

This article serves as a reflective guide, offering seven vignettes through which the scholar warrior can rekindle their inner flame, shatter self-imposed limitations, and stride confidently towards a future of their making. Embark on this serene yet invigorating quest for self-understanding and resurgence as you traverse through the art of personal reflection.

1. Reflecting on Our Mission

Our life is our mission, and each of us is the architect of our destiny. By cultiv...

2. The Pillars of Self-Improvement

In our journey of self-improvement, it is crucial to acknowledge the foundational pillars that uphold our aspirations to become better versions of ourselves. These pillars – self-awareness, discipline, lifelong learning, resilience, and empathy – act as guiding beacons on our path. Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires which allows us to understand our strengths and weaknesses. Discipline is the practice of training oneself to be controlled and habitual in pursuing our goals, irrespective of transient emotions and distractions. Lifelong learning keeps the scholar warrior intellectually nimble and adaptive to change. Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from challenges, stronger and wiser. Last but certainly not least, empathy enables us to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering meaningful relationships and a supportive environment for mutual growth. By nurturing these facets of our character, we can stride forward with confidence and a clear sense of purpose.

(`the content continues with a detailed exploration of how reflecting on our past can help us discern our mission in life and direct our actions accordingly.`)

2. Reclaiming Our Identity

Your past doesn't define you--it informs you. Countless individuals walk through life burdened by negative labels hung around their necks like albatrosses. But here's the secret: You have the power to reclaim your identity. Through reflection, we can identify the beliefs and narratives that have been imposed on us by others or ourselves. By questioning their validity and replacing them with empowering ones, we break free from self-imposed limitations and step into our true potential. As scholar warriors, it is essential to cultivate a sense of self-awareness and agency in defining who we are.

(`the content continues with

3. Learning from Past Behaviors

Habits, good or bad, shape the contours of our daily existence. In this section, the Scholar Warrior is encouraged to analyze past behaviors and their effects to better understand the levers of change. Through reflection, we can identify the triggers and patterns that lead to unhealthy habits and replace them with positive ones. This process of introspection and behavior modification is crucial for personal growth and development.

4. Seeking Truth

In an era of information overload, it is easy to get lost in a sea of opinions and biases. As scholar warriors, it's our duty to seek truth and critically evaluate the information we consume. Through reflection, we can challenge our own beliefs and biases and strive for a deeper understanding of complex issues. By seeking truth, we not only expand our knowledge but also contribute to a more informed and enlightened society.

5. Embracing Change

Change is inevitable in life, and as scholar warriors, it is essential to embrace it with open arms. Through reflection, we can assess our attitudes towards change and identify any resistance or fear that may hinder our growth. By embracing change, we unlock new opportunities for learning and personal development.

6. Nurturing Relationships

Humans are social creatures, and our relationships play a significant role in shaping us as individuals. Through reflection, we can analyze our relationships and identify areas for improvement. By nurturing meaningful connections with others, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the growth and well-being of those around us.

7. Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for personal growth, as it allows us to appreciate the blessings in our lives and shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. Through reflection, we can cultivate gratitude by acknowledging and expressing appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that enrich our lives.

Reflecting on these seven vignettes can help the scholar warrior navigate through life with a sense of purpose, self-awareness, and growth mindset. By incorporating personal reflection into our daily routines, we can continue to evolve as individuals

4. Change: Past ≠ Future

It’s a quirk of human nature to assume that if the past was a certain way, the future will probably be the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. Grasping the idea...

that our past does not dictate our future is a key lesson to be learned through personal reflection. By examining our behaviors, beliefs, and relationships, we can break free from limiting patterns and create a new reality for ourselves. This realization empowers us to make conscious choices and take control of our destiny.

(`the content continues with further exploration of how personal reflection can lead to

5. The Power of Now

Yesterday is but a memory, and tomorrow is not promised. The only time where real change can happen is the present. This section will detail the importance and techniques for living in the present and making the most of today’s opportunities. By reflecting on the past and being mindful of our present actions, we can shape a brighter future for ourselves.

6. Moving Forward with Purpose

As scholar warriors, it's crucial to have a sense of purpose that drives us forward. Through reflection and introspection, we can identify our passions, values, and goals in life. This awareness allows us to make deliberate choices that align with our mission and bring us closer to personal fulfillment. By constantly reassessing and refining our purpose, we can continue to grow and evolve as individuals.

7. The Ripple Effect: Every Action, Every Thought

The choices we make, the words we speak, the thoughts we entertain – all have a profound effect that ripples through our lives. This section will go deep into understanding these ripple effects and leveraging them for personal and collective good. By reflecting on the consequences of our actions and thoughts, we can make conscious decisions that align with our values and contribute to a positive ripple effect in the world.

Through personal reflection, we not only gain a deeper understanding of ourselves but also become more aware of our impact on others and the world around us. As scholar warriors, it is essential to take responsibility for our actions

8. Conclusion: The Scholar Warrior's Journey

The conclusion will succinctly tie together the concepts presented in the article. It will emphasize the promise that the Scholar Warrior's path is not only a method of self-improvement but a duty of those who aim to contribute positively to the world. By continuously reflecting and incorporating these principles into our lives, we can continue to evolve and become the best version of ourselves. As scholar warriors, we are on a never-ending journey of self-discovery and growth, and through our actions, we strive to make a positive impact in the world around us. Let us embrace this path with open hearts and minds, always seeking truth.

Wikipedia - MG 34


historyworld war IIrestorationrejuvenation
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog
Restoration of History

You Are History and History Is You

February 25, 20248 min read

“Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it” - George Santayan

Why Restore History?

History may not repeat but I believe that it has a rhythm which is reflected in the rise and fall of human behavior. Why is that? Because while society has moved forward on many, many fronts (think electricity, penicillin, aircraft, the internet), our human behavior remains remarkably consistent.

We still have strong self-interest. We work in groups of common interest which is highly tribal whether this is politics, religion, football, martial arts, writing, and more.

I am a World War II history devotee and historian. While restoring a machine gun may not seem like a useful thought or video, reflect on how you yourself can take parts of yourself and take off the rust, take apart the tiniest of mechanisms and fix yourself up.

Let's face it. Looking back into our individual history is filled with a number of hard emotions. These emotions can be motivators or blockers. The blockers can include the "Inner Critic" voice (which I call the "Inner Roommate". Read why I do that here). We have trauma. And I'm not even talking about big trauma such as combat PTSD, sexual abuse, violence, drug recovery and more. Humans are extraordinarily sensitive creatures and we push away uncomfortable feelings. These feelings stay inside the body until we process them.

But we avoid processing them, feeling them and embracing discomfort. Watch this video and see how the parts are taken apart, restored, refined, replaced and reworked.

This is a metaphor for ourselves but you could apply the same to an old car, clock or another device.

The Rusty Machine Gun MG34

This is the starting point.

Watch the video - you will see it restored by approx 15:07 or so.

Here is the finished version. A piece of history restored.

MG 34 Restored

Reflective Resurgence: The Scholar Warrior's Path to Personal Growth

In the labyrinth of life, we often find ourselves at a crossroad, pondering over our actions, relationships, and choices. Each of us carries a history, as intricate and unique as our fingerprints, shaping our beliefs, fears, and ambitions. The capacity for reflection is what sets the philosopher apart from the casual thinker, the seeker of truth from the indifferent passerby.

Philosophical thinkers, often described as scholar warriors, are armed with the wisdom collected from the annals of human experience. As they reflect on that which has passed, they sharpen their resolve to create a better present and future. It is through this reflective process that we find the true essence of personal growth and our ability to contribute to a better world.

This article serves as a reflective guide, offering seven vignettes through which the scholar warrior can rekindle their inner flame, shatter self-imposed limitations, and stride confidently towards a future of their making. Embark on this serene yet invigorating quest for self-understanding and resurgence as you traverse through the art of personal reflection.

1. Reflecting on Our Mission

Our life is our mission, and each of us is the architect of our destiny. By cultiv...

2. The Pillars of Self-Improvement

In our journey of self-improvement, it is crucial to acknowledge the foundational pillars that uphold our aspirations to become better versions of ourselves. These pillars – self-awareness, discipline, lifelong learning, resilience, and empathy – act as guiding beacons on our path. Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires which allows us to understand our strengths and weaknesses. Discipline is the practice of training oneself to be controlled and habitual in pursuing our goals, irrespective of transient emotions and distractions. Lifelong learning keeps the scholar warrior intellectually nimble and adaptive to change. Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from challenges, stronger and wiser. Last but certainly not least, empathy enables us to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering meaningful relationships and a supportive environment for mutual growth. By nurturing these facets of our character, we can stride forward with confidence and a clear sense of purpose.

(`the content continues with a detailed exploration of how reflecting on our past can help us discern our mission in life and direct our actions accordingly.`)

2. Reclaiming Our Identity

Your past doesn't define you--it informs you. Countless individuals walk through life burdened by negative labels hung around their necks like albatrosses. But here's the secret: You have the power to reclaim your identity. Through reflection, we can identify the beliefs and narratives that have been imposed on us by others or ourselves. By questioning their validity and replacing them with empowering ones, we break free from self-imposed limitations and step into our true potential. As scholar warriors, it is essential to cultivate a sense of self-awareness and agency in defining who we are.

(`the content continues with

3. Learning from Past Behaviors

Habits, good or bad, shape the contours of our daily existence. In this section, the Scholar Warrior is encouraged to analyze past behaviors and their effects to better understand the levers of change. Through reflection, we can identify the triggers and patterns that lead to unhealthy habits and replace them with positive ones. This process of introspection and behavior modification is crucial for personal growth and development.

4. Seeking Truth

In an era of information overload, it is easy to get lost in a sea of opinions and biases. As scholar warriors, it's our duty to seek truth and critically evaluate the information we consume. Through reflection, we can challenge our own beliefs and biases and strive for a deeper understanding of complex issues. By seeking truth, we not only expand our knowledge but also contribute to a more informed and enlightened society.

5. Embracing Change

Change is inevitable in life, and as scholar warriors, it is essential to embrace it with open arms. Through reflection, we can assess our attitudes towards change and identify any resistance or fear that may hinder our growth. By embracing change, we unlock new opportunities for learning and personal development.

6. Nurturing Relationships

Humans are social creatures, and our relationships play a significant role in shaping us as individuals. Through reflection, we can analyze our relationships and identify areas for improvement. By nurturing meaningful connections with others, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the growth and well-being of those around us.

7. Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for personal growth, as it allows us to appreciate the blessings in our lives and shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. Through reflection, we can cultivate gratitude by acknowledging and expressing appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that enrich our lives.

Reflecting on these seven vignettes can help the scholar warrior navigate through life with a sense of purpose, self-awareness, and growth mindset. By incorporating personal reflection into our daily routines, we can continue to evolve as individuals

4. Change: Past ≠ Future

It’s a quirk of human nature to assume that if the past was a certain way, the future will probably be the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. Grasping the idea...

that our past does not dictate our future is a key lesson to be learned through personal reflection. By examining our behaviors, beliefs, and relationships, we can break free from limiting patterns and create a new reality for ourselves. This realization empowers us to make conscious choices and take control of our destiny.

(`the content continues with further exploration of how personal reflection can lead to

5. The Power of Now

Yesterday is but a memory, and tomorrow is not promised. The only time where real change can happen is the present. This section will detail the importance and techniques for living in the present and making the most of today’s opportunities. By reflecting on the past and being mindful of our present actions, we can shape a brighter future for ourselves.

6. Moving Forward with Purpose

As scholar warriors, it's crucial to have a sense of purpose that drives us forward. Through reflection and introspection, we can identify our passions, values, and goals in life. This awareness allows us to make deliberate choices that align with our mission and bring us closer to personal fulfillment. By constantly reassessing and refining our purpose, we can continue to grow and evolve as individuals.

7. The Ripple Effect: Every Action, Every Thought

The choices we make, the words we speak, the thoughts we entertain – all have a profound effect that ripples through our lives. This section will go deep into understanding these ripple effects and leveraging them for personal and collective good. By reflecting on the consequences of our actions and thoughts, we can make conscious decisions that align with our values and contribute to a positive ripple effect in the world.

Through personal reflection, we not only gain a deeper understanding of ourselves but also become more aware of our impact on others and the world around us. As scholar warriors, it is essential to take responsibility for our actions

8. Conclusion: The Scholar Warrior's Journey

The conclusion will succinctly tie together the concepts presented in the article. It will emphasize the promise that the Scholar Warrior's path is not only a method of self-improvement but a duty of those who aim to contribute positively to the world. By continuously reflecting and incorporating these principles into our lives, we can continue to evolve and become the best version of ourselves. As scholar warriors, we are on a never-ending journey of self-discovery and growth, and through our actions, we strive to make a positive impact in the world around us. Let us embrace this path with open hearts and minds, always seeking truth.

Wikipedia - MG 34


historyworld war IIrestorationrejuvenation
blog author image

Michael Mandaville

Michael is a writer, filmmaker and dedicated World War II historian who studies martial arts, action films and is learning more about VFX every single darn day. Oh and a Scholar Warrior

Back to Blog


Scholar Warrior Way

Take Action to Transform Yourself

By taking the Scholar Warrior Way Course, you will get Michael's program for Self-Improvement in his pursuit of Creative Excellence in Writing, Filmmaking, Martial arts and his other pursuits from his major curious outlook. Here are the 7 Steps that he uses....

  • Powerful Why - the Key to Enthusiasm and Fulfillment

  • Scholar Warrior Identity - Embracing the new Mentality - now!

  • Your Morning Routine - Starting the day Right.

  • Brainstorming Your How - Strategy thinking and tactics

  • Create Your Own Systems - Become efficient with predictable results

  • Building Transforming Habits - Habit creates Destiny

  • The Art of Sleep - Long ignored but a necessary health break.

Levels 1, 2 and 3 - Detailing and add more videos, wisdom, resources and Learning Materials for your Growth and Self-Improvement.


What is The Purpose of the "ScholarWarriorWay" ?

By engaging in the mental perspective of the Scholar Warrior, you embrace two aspects of your life: The Scholar with a constant focus on self-development and self-improvement. The Warrior whereby you learn techniques about courage, action and derring-do to achieve your true authentic goals for a fulfilled life.

How much does Scholar Warrior Way cost?

The cost of could be absolutely no money if you just want to get on our newsletter to read the various articles on the website. If you want to take the courses on various levels, then you might spend $200-300 per year. Think of it this way: If you could improve yourself 100-200-300-1000-3600% in a single year, then how much is it worth? The price of two meals and drinks at a restaurant that you'll never remember? Make a better life choice.

How do I know I work with the ScholarWarriorWay?

ScholarWarriorWay is broken down into 7 Major Strategies. You can pick one and work on it for a few weeks, then add another strategies. They start with the Powerful Why and end with the Art of Sleep.